The story and character development process IS THE MOST important stage of any NEW writing project and cannot be skipped. It is what all professional writers do before they start writing any new story. The development stage ensures that the writer has all the KEY story elements in place before the writing begins, so that there is no wasted time in rewrites. It establishes clearly the main goals, conflicts and outcomes of the story, the main character arcs and the ending goal. It also helps to know the exact genre you are working with, the right number of character to develop and ensures you are hitting the right target audience for your completely project, which is envaluable to producers who will later on have to market the project.
Only once the story and character development phase is completed -- the story development outline or TV Bible is then used to make the first draft of the feature screenplay or the first TV pilot episode, The writer and client have already discussed and agreed on all the key elements before this happens. The first draft of TV pilot is then written by the writer alone and is completed in Final Draft Screenplay Software. The first draft is typically 100-120 pages and a TV Series Pilot Episode (one hour long) is approximately 60 pages.
The final polish is reserved for the feature screenplay only. It's aim is to take a first draft and turn it into a more professional product called 'a page-turner' by eliminating any fat from the story. It's goal is to enhancing what works bes and make it an 'easy and quick read' while not slowing the reader down or distracting from it's orginality or charm.
Every new writing project needs to be reviewed to ensure the STORY is working and reaching its target audience. This can ony be done by professional readers who provide feedback and reviews after having read and evaluated the story and genre. Getting the right feedback ensures the owner of the project is on the right track and that thier NEW story is reaching it's GOAL! It also gives the writer more time to fix any overlooked mistakes, before it is read by any industry insiders or producers. Thuese professional reader services can be found on-line and require a fee.
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